Working Together to Make Lakeview a Bully-Free Zone
What do we do at Lakeview to create a positive climate?
All of the administration and staff at Lakeview take responsibility for setting a climate in which all children can learn in a safe and a fear-free environment. The established board policy for setting such a climate includes provisions for teachers and staff to:
· Set standards for student behavior in a cooperative manner, so that all are invested in the classroom and school norms
· Create curriculum with the aim of building a climate of respect for self and others
· Apply best practices designed to engage students and thereby prevent discipline issues
· Guide students to accept responsibility for their actions through positive discipline and encourage students to grow in self discipline.
· Empower students through conflict resolution.
· Encourage our children’s interests and talents to build a sense of self-worth.
· Help them understand that a bystander who does not report a harmful situation contributes to the problem.
· Recognize, encourage, and reward positive, caring behavior and peaceful problem resolution.
It is incumbent on every school to share what they do to address bullying issues. Understanding the definition of bullying, and the role of the bully, and the victim enables us to address the needs of all our students appropriately. It is important to know the difference between bullying, conflict, and rough and tumble play. I encourage you to always reach out to report any incident that makes your child uncomfortable, and we will address it immediately.
With Lakeview parents, staff, and students joining together with the mission of building a climate of caring and respect, we will continue to foster a Bully-Free Zone at Lakeview School!
It is the responsibility of every adult... to make sure that children hear what we have learned from the lessons of life and to hear over and over that we love them and that they are not alone.
Marian Wright Edelman~